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General Terms and Conditions

Website General Terms and Conditions of Use

General provisions and consent

These General Terms and Conditions of Use of the website, provided by Paloma, higienski papirji, d.d., Sladki Vrh 1, 2214 Sladki Vrh
(hereinafter referred to as Paloma or the Service Provider), determine the obligations, rights and conditions for the use and operation of business through the website and other online content of the Service Provider.

The General Terms and Conditions are regularly updated, and are available in full at any time in their latest and valid version to anyone on the Service Provider's website

By accessing the Service Provider's website, you agree with all the restrictions and conditions listed here, and ensure that you as a user or visitor of the website are previously clearly and comprehensively acquainted with the terms of use, including copyright protection. The General Terms and Conditions of Use also apply in full and in the same way to users who access the website as unregistered visitors.

The visitor or the user acknowledges that he/she has carefully read, agrees with and accepts the terms of use listed below. If the user does not agree with these general terms and conditions or part of these general terms and conditions, the Service Provider advises against using the website. 

The Website General Terms and Conditions of Use concerned are also referred to as conditions below. Users of the website refers to all users or visitors who access the Service Provider's website either as registered or unregistered visitors. The website, its subpages, online activities and other online or digital services of the Service Provider that are intended for users, are hereinafter referred to as websites or web services.


The Service Provider is the holder of all material and moral copyrights over copyrighted content in the broadest sense (content, text, photographs, sketches, graphic elements, maps and plans, audio-video recordings, music, computer programs and other content) that is published on the website The contractor's partners or contractual associates may also be content holders, in which case such content is marked with an appropriate indication of the source and author. Content published by the Service Provider is allowed to be viewed. In accordance with the legislation on copyright and other related rights and intellectual property, copyrighted works are protected from the moment they are created, and do not need to be specifically marked. 

Any copying, modification, reproduction, public display and broadcasting, distribution for commercial purposes and other forms of use of the author's work, as well as the use of the data or content, is strictly prohibited without explicit prior written authorisation by the Service Provider. The Service Provider is not responsible for any possible further manipulation of the content by third parties, of which the user is aware and agrees too.

In the event of any permitted use of the content published by the Service Provider, all industrial and copyright notices, as well as other notices and warnings, must be retained. The owner of any signs and trademarks appearing on the websites is either the Service Provider or a third party. Any use of these trademarks is expressly prohibited without the appropriate prior written consent of the rights holder. All trademarks, including non-registered trademarks, are protected by copyright law.

Links to the website are not allowed to be published on webpages with illegal or immoral content. Upon the request of the Service Provider, the owner and/or operator of a website where such a link is published is obliged to remove it.

Unsolicited sending of user content 

The Service Provider or its employees do not accept and consider all ideas, including ideas for new products, offers or services, processes, ingredients or names of new products and services, as unwanted and unsolicited. The Service Provider requests that no unsolicited ideas, presentations or other works should be sent to them. The purpose of these rules is for the Service Provider to avoid any misunderstanding or conflict, when the Service Provider's products, offers and services may seem similar to the ideas sent to the Service Provider. Therefore, the Service Provider requests that users do not send unsolicited ideas and materials to the Service Provider, or to anyone who is in any way connected with the Service Provider. 

However, if you do so despite the requirement not to send your ideas and materials to the Service Provider, the Service Provider does not provide any assurance that the ideas or materials will be treated as confidential or as the user's property.

Upgrades and new versions of the website

The Service Provider reserves the right to change or update the websites and their content at any time, in any way and without reason or prior notice. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any consequences of such changes.

Due to technical or functional upgrades of the website, the Service Provider reserves the right to publish a new version of the website. The website upgrade will be done automatically.

The Service Provider shall not be liable for any consequences of such changes.

Violation of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions

The Service Provider and authors of content published on the websites and mobile applications expect the user to comply with written provisions and laws in the field of privacy, intellectual property law and copyright. Otherwise, if an abuse and violation of the law is discovered, they will be forced to act upon any perpetrator in accordance with the law.

The Service Provider reserves the right to deny users who violate or act against the General Terms and Conditions access to the Website content, and prevent the delivery of any e-mail or other communication with the Website, or prevent users from violating the rights of other persons (e.g. copyright). The Service Provider may use technology and other available means to prevent or discontinue the use of the service. If the user causes any damage to the Service Provider by his/her actions, he/she is fully morally, materially and criminally liable for such damage.


The Service Provider pledges in good faith and to the best of its ability to make the content published on the website correct and up to date, not excluding the possibility of possible linguistic, technical or content errors within the published content. The information provided through this website is therefore for information purposes only, as the Service Provider cannot be held liable for its absolute accuracy, and thus for any damage or loss of profit, or non-material damage that may be incurred to the user due to the existence of, access to, use of and/or inability to use the website

The Service Provider does not guarantee that the Website or its sub-pages will always be available, nor does it ensure that their use is safe and uninterrupted. The Service Provider shall also not be liable for network and telephone connections, including coverage of the area or disconnection, nor for any damage resulting from the use of the Website, such as lost data, loss of programmes, connection costs or any similar damage.

The nature of the World Wide Web, mobile applications and the website makes it impossible to control the content to which hypertext links lead to from this website. As a result, the Service Provider does not assume any responsibility for the content available to the user through these links. When clicking on a hypertext link to one of the other third-party websites, the user must be aware that these websites have their own terms of use and data privacy policy. Before using these sites, the user must check their terms and conditions, as well as their privacy policy. The Service Provider does not accept any responsibility for third party websites.

Use of the website is at your own risk. Users are advised to use the website in accordance with the general terms and conditions of use. Users must be aware that despite the care and control of the services, the website may be misused by third parties, for which the Service Provider is not responsible.

The user of the website agrees that the Service Provider cannot guarantee the security or privacy of the information transmitted via e-mail or the web, and that the Service Provider cannot be held responsible in this regard.

Contact with the Service Provider and dispute settlement

Questions, comments and possible complaints that are in any way related to this website or its content can be sent by post to the address Paloma, higienski papirji, d.d., Sladki Vrh 1, 2214 Sladki Vrh,
Slovenia, or by e-mail to The Service Provider complies with the applicable consumer protection legislation, and ensures an effective complaint handling system.

In accordance with legal norms, the Service Provider does not recognise any provider of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes as competent for resolving any consumer dispute that could be initiated by the consumer in accordance with the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Act.

Should any disputes arise through the use of the website, the Service Provider and the user shall resolve any disputes amicably, and in the event of failure to do so, they shall resolve such disputes before the court having jurisdiction as to the substance of the dispute in Ljubljana under the law of the Republic of Slovenia.

Terms and conditions for participation in prize games

All of our prize games are conducted in accordance with our business and privacy policies. The rules for each of our prize games are clearly defined and available online for each prize game.

Final provisions

The General Terms and Conditions are laid out on the basis of the applicable legislation, taking into account the recommendations of the Information Commissioner, and may be updated from time to time by the Service Provider in accordance with changes in services and activities, and on the basis of user feedback. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the General Terms and Conditions of Use at any time without prior notice.

The current general terms and conditions are published on the website The same applies to any changes and amendments to the currently valid general conditions.

The Service Provider recommends that users review these General Terms and Conditions regularly, in order to be kept informed of the Terms and Conditions of Use and the manner in which the Service Provider protects their privacy.

These conditions apply from the day of acceptance until cancellation, or until a possible change.

It is considered that the user was informed about any change or supplementation to these general terms and conditions on the day of publication of any new, amended or supplemented general terms and conditions on the website.


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