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Our website uses cookies. The cookies are managed by Paloma, higienski papirji, d.d., Sladki Vrh 1, 2214 Sladki Vrh, registration no.: 5034639000, VAT No.: SI 45280312. 

Legal basis

The Law on Electronic Communications (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 109/2012 as amended; ZEKom-1), which entered into force in early 2013, introduced new rules regarding the use of cookies and similar technologies for storing information or accessing information stored on the user's computer or mobile device.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files sent by a website and stored in a web browser (device) that accesses the website. The cookie itself does not contain or collect personally identifiable information, but can only be read and used by the server that sent the cookie. The cookie usually shows the name of the server from which the cookie was sent, the lifetime of the cookie, and the value (a randomly generated unique number). Cookies are not harmful and are limited by time.

The purpose of cookies

The purpose of cookies is user experience improvement, personalisation of the website, analysis of web traffic and similar functions. The interaction between the web user and the website is faster and easier, because the cookies help the website to remember individual users’ preferences and experiences, which saves time and makes browsing the website more efficient and enjoyable.

Cookies are fundamental to improving the performance of the website and providing user-friendly online services. Cookies have the ability to store information about the status of each website (e.g. language selection, number of displayed results, font size), and they also make it easier to implement online services (e.g. registration, shopping cart content, subscription to e-newsletters, viewing videos) and collect data on the habits of web users (e.g. number of visits, content interesting to the user), which improves the user experience and evaluates the effectiveness of the website design.

By using the website, you agree to our use of the cookies described above.

Cookie categories

Cookies can be stored for different lengths of time, distinguishing between temporary or session cookies, which are created temporarily, i.e. for the period from the moment the user opens the browser to the moment when the session ends and the user closes the browser, and persistent cookies, which remain stored, even when the user closes the browser and ends the session. Cookies are also distinguished according to whether they were set by the website (so-called own cookies or first party cookies) or originated from other websites or services that, for example, display content on the page you are viewing in the form of advertisements (so-called third-party cookies).

Strictly necessary cookies

Cookies that the website needs for proper operation and basic functionality, as they help us to display the content properly and enable the operation of forms, shopping carts and other essential elements of the website.

Cookie name Purpose Time limit Company or tool

ASP.NET_SessionId session Paloma

Analytics tracking cookies

Cookies that provide a better user experience and additional functionalities that we would not otherwise be able to offer. They allow us to monitor the use of the website and improve and upgrade it. 

Cookie name Purpose Time limit Company or tool

_ga website viewing statistics 2 years Google Analytics

__utma 2 years Google Analytics

__utmb 2 years Google Analytics

__utmc 2 years Google Analytics

__utmz 2 years Google Analytics

__utmv 2 years Google Analytics

Changing cookie settings

Because we care about your privacy, you can decide for yourself which cookies you will accept. However, we will never use cookies in any way that would collect your personal information.

You can manage your cookies by changing the privacy settings on the website at any time, or by changing the way your browser uses cookies in your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to accept or reject all cookies or only certain types of cookies, or set a warning that the site wants to store a cookie on your device. You can also delete cookies that the browser has already stored on your device.

The process of changing your cookie settings differs from browser to browser. You can find more information either with the "Help" function, by visiting the website, which clearly explains the procedure in all modern browsers, or by contacting us via e-mail to [insert].

The Google Analytics and DoubleClick cookies can also be disabled using the instructions provided at the following links:

Google Analytics

Double Click


We kindly point out that if you disable cookies, not all functionalities of the website may work equally effectively, and a warning about the use of cookies will be displayed with each visit, which may negatively affect your user experience in the long run.

First-party functional cookies
They are required for website operation.
Cookies are always being installed
Third-party functional cookies
Cookies for Youtube video functionality, etc.
Analytical cookies
Anonymous and aggregated statistics of visits with masked IP addresses.
Third-party advertising cookies
If you disable this, ads on the internet will still be displayed, but will not be adjusted to your preferences.


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